Get bonus everyday! The more you talk the more MB you will get. After reaching everyday’s target, get 1 MB free for every 1 minute’s usage.
- For free registration, dial *999*2#
- Single registration is enough for a subscriber during campaign period
- Valid for all prepaid subscribers except for ERS, GPPP,VP, BPO
- In order to avail the offer, a subscriber needs to reach target every day after registration
- After reaching everyday target, GET 1 MB free for every 1 Minute usage
- Target usage minutes means all Local voice call (GP-GP, GP-Other operator, GP-Landline/GP-NWD), Minutes from bundle purchase will be considered in the target usage amount.
- Subscriber need to check the SMS from GP offer in order to learn about the daily target
- Single registration is enough for a subscriber during campaign period to get the bonus after reaching the target each day
- Validity for bonus data will be up to 11.59 hrs on the day after
- From a single call, a customer can get maximum of 5 MB
- Subscriber has to dial *566*11# for bonus checking
- Prepaid Subscribers who joined on or before 31-JAN-2016 will be eligible for this campaign.
- Customers who have Incoming or Outgoing Activity in April 2016.
- The calls that start in one day and ends in another day will not be considered
- To unregister dial *999*4# (72 hour time will be needed )
- Minutes from IVR and DyP (Myzone) will not be considered
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